One of the most valuable investments
a parent can make!
By integrating faith and education, ACS Sycamore strives to energize and equip each student to succeed in whatever path the Lord directs. Our desire is to see our students impact their communities and become purposeful, productive Christian adults. These qualities will guide them towards success in all aspects of life, making Christian education one of the most valuable investments a parent can make.
Tuition Rates for the 24/25 school year:

2nd Student… $750 | 3rd Student… $1,000 | 4th and each additional Student… $2000
Full-time Pastoral Ministry discount… 50%
Bridge discount (students entering K from Cornerstone preschool)… 10%
3% discount when paid in full by May 31
Refer additional new families and receive tuition credit! Ask about our Mission Reach rate!
Payment Plans
Every family must enroll with FACTS and select one of the payment plans listed below:
12-Pay: No enrollment deposit required. All monthly payment plans begin in May
1-Pay (in full by Aug 15), 2-Pay (July/Jan)
4-Pay (July/Oct/Jan/April)
Facilities Fee offsets the cost of owning, maintaining and repairing our building and grounds. The Security Fee supports campus-wide safety and ongoing security initiatives as national and state protocols evolve. Additional costs that may apply throughout the year: Morning/Afternoon Busing, Elective Course Fees, Class Field Trips, PE Uniform, HS Parking Pass, Lunch Account, Extended Care, Sports Fees, Drama Fees, Homecoming Events, Jingle Bell Christmas, Sr. Trip, Fall Retreat, MS Outdoor Ed, etc.
We offer a tuition assistance program (TAP). Information is listed under the Admissions tab.